Saturday, 28 September 2013

So yeah...

Things are pretty depressing here at Team One Eye.

Squirrel has been flying back and forth to the vets...he had a bone scan on Thursday which highlighted issues in both hocks and the sacroiliac. They x-rayed the hocks which showed old changes, so he's home now and going back on Tuesday for more nerve blocks...Just wish we would get to the bottom of it! It's so hard being in limbo.

Lexi is back in work. She's (mainly) being an angel although she did kick Jason the other day - oops! I went for a hack with someone on the yard, and apparently Lexi hates her gelding. She kicked him when she was first backed, and was pulling awful faces all the way round. What a mare! Luckily as a general rule she is very sweet to handle, but she will certainly get a red ribbon when we're competing!!

We're doing the photoshoot on Monday, that we won back at Hall-Place, although I dare say Squirrel will be the centre of attention.

We also went to look at a yard to rent today, although sadly I don't think it will work.

Pros are

- Lovely indoor stables, old brick ones so very cool in summer and very smart
- Lots of storeage
- Excellent turnout (4 acres, opportunity to use more if need to rest them) with p+r fencing, automatic water, field shelter - not a weed in sight!)
- Fantastic hacking
-  They do all the field maintenance and muck removal


- Have to hire a school a good 15min hack away. Hm. Need to speak to them properly about it, find out the cost but the lady said they might not want me there all the time. Which is a massive problem.
- No electric tape in fields - makes it harder to rest and restrict
- Field gate directly to road, can't tape a bit off
- Its all a bit...finicky, as in needs to be kept spotless ect. Which is fine, but I'm not sure whether I'll feel as if I'm tip toeing around all the time.

Any thoughts?

I love the grazing and the stables and the hacking. Big issues are concerns re resting fields and mainly the school. If there was a school on site it would be zero issue.

Ugh. So feel pretty pants about everything right now.

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