Forever Young
Forever Young or "Squirrel" is a 16.1hh Dutch Warmblood. He's 18 and we've been a team for 5 years now!I owe him my love and experience of eventing and he is the biggest, loveable thug around.
He's a real sweet, genuine horse as long as you don't come between him and a meal (aka anything vaguely and popping candy included).

He has 1 BE point and 58 BE points.
Spellbound Lexicon

Lexi is a 7 year old Holsteiner mare who I purchased as an unbacked 4 year old. I have produced her very slowly as she's developed so slow she only stopped looking like a leggy yearling last autumn! She has done 2 unaffiliated events and is due to start her BE debute this year.
She's a very sharp, sensitive mare although generally very obedient and level-headed! She's quirk central (have to take her bridle off sideways, can be a pain to catch, woe betide any horse who comes near her and her favourite trick is not to let people catch her in her stable) but she's very cuddly and her talent more than makes up for it.
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