Squirrel has damaged his collateral ligament.
Kind of feel that's all I have to say. He needs 4 months off, a minimum of 4 months flatwork, and if or how much or how high he will jump again, we don't know.
I was numb for a long time and now its hit me like a tonne of bricks. He'll be 16 by the time I'm riding again. And somehow, in my heart of hearts, although we won't know for sure until the scan in 4 months time, I don't think I can ask him to do more than a bit of riding club again.
He's given me so much and I don't know if I can risk him reinjuring it again.
Oh horse.
ah so sorry to hear this Jo, but you never know u still may get some fun from him yet still. I have 'retired' Milo twice now and both times he has proved me wrong, the vet was out last week and said he is doing so well. so im over the moon with him, all i want is him to be happpy, even if it means field bound but thats not what he is ready for yet and Squirel may just be the same, let him guide u xx