Is anyone else fed up with this sodding weather?! I’ve spent at least half of my week off looking at livery yards in California and the other half researching how to build an ark.
Lexi had to spend a few days in last week as her mudfever got out of control and I couldn’t even pick her foot up. Mare doesn’t do boxrest and stopped eating completely, promptly lost about 17 stone (wish I had her metabolism!) and thus went out again after not one but TWO vet visits. For bloody mud fever.
Thankfully she’s started eating again. Top priority next time I buy a horse; does it like eating?! I have 1 complete fat-face who eats anything including but not limited to Dog biscuits, lemons and rose wine, and one who’s secret ambition is to be a catwalk model. No prizes for guessing which one costs £10 a mont to feed and which one costs £90.
We had a dressage lesson the other day. I ADORE my dressage instructor. Not only has she brought our dressage marks down by 13% in a year and a half, she has a sense of humour, loves my horse and despite having far bigger fish to fry than me, always remembers to text and ask how my be90 dressage test went, even when she’s abroad coaching at the Europeans.
We decided it was high time to introduce flying changes. I had wanted to wait until the counter canter was established as it will be a long time (if ever) that I need to do changes in a test. (Not so long if super duper dressage instructor gets her way...considering I registered BD this winter, she might be winning). Unfortunately we did this a little too well as Lexi can now do 10m circles in counter canter and frankly never bothers to change anymore when show jumping which is a little awkward.
So basically we just do a half 10m circle, leg yield back to the track with lots of bounce then ask for the change. And amazingly, she got them pretty much right away.
We had a couple of really good sessions then a seriously cranky one where she was bucking to the point where she hit my actual foot. Which is quite impressive.
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