I won't lie I was pooping buckets because our elementary debut. My aims were simple. Do not disgrace ourselves. Score over 55%.
I found the warm up difficult. I'm used to big fields not a 40 x 40 school with 8 other horses! And with it being elementary and medium tests, it was impossible to know if someone intended on suddenly going sideways or forwards, whether it was true canter or counter canter, or if they would suddenly do a direct transition from canter to walk.
I went in for my first test, 44, which was in their indoor. Lexi was quite spooky in the indoor so the test felt tense. The first walk to canter resulted in a bit of a kick as she wasn't expecting it at all! But she went. We completed the test and did everything where it was meant to, but I felt it was definitely a bit lacking.
We had a little wait for 59 which upon reading it, I felt was a horrifying test and I couldn't quite believe we were attempting it. It was a 60 x 20 arena and my first long test with her and second long test ever! I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was much more fluid and I positively beamed when we hit a super walk to canter transition bang on the marker. My left leg yield was rather L shaped through her shoulder but overall I was pleased - the best test we could of done.
I swear I almost fainted when I saw the scores. 69% in the first test which was 2nd in the bronze section and 3rd overall. I then looked at 59....we scored 67% under a different judge and only won it all overall!! I was overjoyed and gobsmacked. I couldn't believe it.
Lots of praise for the dressage pony!
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