Friday, 6 October 2017

Behind again! Tweseldown

I have a confession. 

I find it very hard to blog when things aren't goings right. But it means I lose valuable lessons. I now have a mammoth catch up session which I never find time for! So I will start little and often.

So we set off to Tweseldown 90 feeling a. It more hopeful.
Lexi was a dragon in the warm up but settled and did a beautiful test. I was very pleased, I felt it was one of the strongest we'd done. The judge did not agree at all and gave us a 37!

I dealt with this with a shrug as frankly I was confused - one of her nicest tests and one of the worst marks she'd ever received. It still left us in 10th but it felt frustrating. The test sheet did not match the test - I was even told off for doing my free walk where I did it despite that I did it how it was stated on the test sheet. My instructor told me if it had been BE I should send the test sheet and video in as a complaint because frankly the sheer and the video did not match.

So that left me appeased as at least the horse didna good job!
The SJ seemed enormous but Lexi stormed round clear which was very pleasing!

We set off xc well although I found reverting back to a snaffle for this phase made my brakes a little too good. A small check made her compress too much really.

We had a disappointing stop at a little log on a hill where I took my leg off and another at our hated dragon. Overall I felt fairly pleased as she did give me a better feeling.

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