Wow. My head almost didn't fit into the lorry on the way back from my lesson.
Its been a couple of months since my last lesson with Warren, between my busy April, holiday and then the knee issue.
He was thrilled with Squirrel and I! I had a jumping lesson as my flatwork is going pretty well...well the jumping is going well too but I felt it was time for a jump.
We continued to work on getting Squirrel to a deeper spot, so he uses himself rather than just speed. Overall it felt fantastic, Squirrel felt very neat, in a lovely rhythm ect. I also had a wonderful moment on the flat when he went into real, pure self carriage. It was amazing, he was so uphill and soft and sweet and forwards, I almost fell off. Ha.
Anyway, I learnt that the reason I want him on a deeper spot for SJ is basically as the jumps get bigger, he can't keep relying on speed obviously. Warren explained that SJ horses are taught to jump the wide spreads by getting deep and basically getting higher in the air over them, which is what we wanted to achieve.
I'm /starting/ to find it easier to see a slightly deeper spot, and Squirrel is starting to get more comfortable jumping that way. Warren praised me a lot on that I've improved in that I'm staying more open in my position and not collapsing, making me secure. He said Squirrel is really starting to use himself - he enthused about how he was starting to kick his back legs up over the oxers, and said "Its AMAZING sitting on a horse that does that."
He said we looked like a real partnership, very comfortable and confident. He also told us to go out and buy a top hat and tails as we will be more than ready for BOTH a CIC* and a CCI* towards the end of the year! He hasn't decided if he's going to Weston or Osberton yet, but if we go to the same one he'll help me on the day. Ahh!
Very excited. And twiddling my thumbs waiting for Alfie's vetting next week!
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