Saturday, 4 May 2013

The Horse, and Lacey.

Yesterday I had a lot of horses to hack out. I was pondering a lot during this time, about horses. About how much we often take for granted. Especially after a bad day when you're eliminated at a competition or your horse just won't bend nicely or move off your leg.

When that happens, we need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Its incredible really, how these massive animals bend to our requests so willingly. Animals which were designed to look at us as predators. Years of captivity have taught them that we are not fearful, but pleasurable to be around. We do so much for our horses; work long hours to afford them, sacrifice a social life and holidays, spend our days picking up poo, getting wet and covered in mud.

But think about what they do for us. They let us sit on them, dictate their movements and speed. They willingly gallop for us around a cross country course, jumping big fences and complex combinations which they havn't seen before. Just because we ask. There's no force in the world which would make them do this if they didn't want to. No amount of hitting or kicking.

They want to do it because of the inate sense which makes them want to please. Often they find they enjoy it but they do it to please us. Such beautiful, noble creatures who have worked our land and carried us into war without complaint. Who fill our hearts and souls with love, and contribute so much to our very existence.

I for one, would be a very different person without the horse.

In other, less deep news. I have found a sharer for Lacey! I'm so pleased. I've lost a lot of motivation to work with her as unfortunately, she'll never really go anywhere anymore. She loves to hack (a little too much!) and finds a lot of schooling and jumping stressful. It's taken a long time (I advertised her in January!) but at last I've found a lovely girl who will be riding her between 3-5 times a week. She rode her beautifully and a fizzy fast pony is just what she wants!

I'm off on holiday on Tuesday!! First proper one in about 5 years, if not longer!! I'm very excited. Squirrel is off to Salisbury, to spend the week with my old boss getting some intensive schooling. I'm looking forward to having a nose around and seeing whats changed around there.

I'm also off to Badminton tomorrow. On top of my to buy list is a new hat, possibly a bridle and I'm sure I'll find some other bits and bobs!

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