Sunday, 7 April 2013

Larkhill Horse trials 06/04/2013

Was seriously worried if we had a bad day as I couldn't think of an suitable bad words beginning with L! But no such worries :D

We had a terrible couple of weeks prep for Larkhill. Back around the 20th of March, on the first day of my week off, Squirrel felt very odd when I schooled him. Almost lame but when I got off and trotted him up he was fine, lunging on the hard, he was fine. Went home very worried, imagining all sorts of horrors and promptly called the vet. Who did a lameness workup and he was absolutely fine -rolls eyes- but when poking him we realised he was very very sore in his back.

The saddle fitter was coming out the next day anyway as he was getting a rub under his saddle, and luckily physio was already booked for the following Tuesday. Turned out saddle needed reflocking as its relatively new and the flocking had compacted so that went to saddle hospital and Squirrel had a lovely week off waiting for physio, then a further 3 days off to let it settle!

So got back on board 10 days later to a mega fresh horse so hacked him both weekend days, with a lovely long one on the Sunday. Only then the girth straps had rubbed him on my long hack (still quite new stiff leather and he is SO sensitive this time of year) which meant I couldn't put a saddle on for a couple of days. Then I schooled him, came home and promptly started being sick. Which didn't ease until Friday so my boyfriend kept him ticking over and I managed a very short pretty pointless sit on him Friday night.

But the forecast was good, the ground was good, I had civilised times - no way was I withdrawing! Luckily I woke up on Saturday feeling a million times better, although did have to have a few rest stops when walking the course!

Warming up for the dressage I felt pretty tired and did actually wonder whether it was sensible to compete, but I cracked on and after a bit I felt fine. He didn't feel as good as usual - he really is a horse who needs regular schooling in order to stay nice and supple so he felt a bit stiff and a bit 'stuffy', not really moving off my leg and a bit more on the forehand in canter than he has been.

I wasn't disappointed with my test. It didn't feel amazing, lots of room for improvement (he wasn't as soft on the 10m loops as ideal and my first give and retake in canter felt hideous [although I have a pretty good picture??]) IMO, but given the lack of prep I was pretty happy.

Sorry lots of dressage pictures! So pleased as A. OH is finally learning how to take flatwork photos, and B. Squirrel has improved so much on the flat over the winter :D I estimated 37 but was gobsmacked to find a 28.5 on the scoreboard!! 2 consecutive tests in the 20s! Which is very new to me :D

Now on to the show jumping...This was claiming a few prisoners, I saw several falls, several having too many faults to go xc..Only 12 out of 42 in my section went clear! It was twisty and all the distances were built on half strides. I decided I was going to ride forwards, as Squirrel is more inclined to give a big scopey jump if he's a bit long or forwards, whereas if he gets a bit close he's far more likely to have it down.

We had a long break for SJ as they were running 40 minutes late and Squirrel was having a lovely nap. So I went into the warm up with a plan which was get him listening and off my leg. Unfortunately it worked a little too well and he ended up rather strong and excited :o So I was probably quite noisy in the ring telling him to wait for it haha. I used to jump him in a gag which I havn't needed recently, he's a bit of a tank when he wants to be, but otherwise horizontal! Evidently a bit fresh as well...

To cut a long story short, we had the first part of the second double down, unfortunately he just got away from me too much and I didn't get him back in time so we got very close, but I was really pleased anyway. I rode it how I planned for the most part and he jumped his socks off.

Now cross country time! He was a star.
Think the look on our faces says it all!

I thought he might have a spook at 3 which is a new jump and looked a little odd but he was fine, he had a very good oggle at the first of a double of skinny hedges at 5 but did jump it.

The corner at 7 was emotional, as I literially could not get his attention away from the fence judge. No joke, he only looked and actually saw the fence 2 strides out so that was a bit of a scramble (and I was significantly more towards the centre than I wanted) but we were over.

Next couple of fences were easy, then a brush, few strides to a step up, 1 stride to a brush. I rode quite firmly at the first brush as it was quite big and he spooked earlier. No need, he popped it and up over the step and brush like a pro. Next fence was a simple table, where he took matters into his own hands. I hadn't quite decided whether to kick on or hold for another when he just took off and jumped it - felt amazing.

Managed to get him to trot down the first part of the sunken road (we have a tendency to fly off drops) and he went through very sweetly. Lovely through the water. Next was a picnic table which he hit very hard. Not sure why, we had a decent shot but nevermind.

Then a brush with a fair ditch infront which was lovely, a final combination of skinnies, I angled my log just like I intended and he jumped beautifully, over the last to finish.

I was rather amazed to find we were 1 second off getting too fast pen. I could of gone faster and this was the horse I had to push to get inside the time last year! He must just be jumping out of much more of a rhythm which is super.

I had a great ride on him in both sj and xc, and althouh the dressage didn't thrill me this time, the judge obviously liked it! We ended up 4th which I was super pleased with, and had a nice cheque. Which means this season to date he's already won me £100 :D So pleased with him, I love him to bits, he's so special.

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