Saturday, 16 March 2013

Jumping lesson and a busy week!

This week has had far too many 4.30am starts! Surely that shouldn't be legal?? I've taken to riding Squirrel before work. Although it is horrendous when the alarm clock goes, I'm fresh when I ride him. I also seem to be in a better mood and he gets the best of me opposed to me riding him when I'm tired and fed up having ridden 8 horses already!

So I was very pleased when the weekend rolled by. Jason turned Squirrel out for me this morning so I had a lovely lie in. I woke up, feeling refreshed and wide away at...6.15am!! That is stupid.

Anyway, I peeked out the window and seeing the gale and torrential rain I thanked my lucky starts its not a competition weekend. Then I made coffee and curled up in bed and watched telly for a couple of hours. Luxury!

A bit later on I dragged a highly unenthusiastic Squirrel in from the field to go for a lesson. I decided given flatwork seems pretty good at the moment, we ought to have a jump. I feel a bit...meh after my lesson. I didn't ride very well although Warren tried to make me feel better by saying the exercises he did with me were to highlight problems so it was bound to be a "bad" day.

Basically Squirrel and I use speed not power over fences. Which is all good and well but it leads to a weak jump and when the fences get bigger, we'll start having problems. Apparantly it will be a work in progress, and aside using placing poles when I'm at home (he takes off too far infront of the fence but lands short on the other side, we need to work on making it equal), its something to work on mainly in lessons as he doesn't want me to upset the balance in competition.

Basically, and he did say several times, the way we do it is fine. HOWEVER - as always - it can be better. But I havn't quite got to grips with it enough to be able to judge when I'm doing it well myself in order to do it at home.

I also need to concentrate on keeping the power round the turn so I don't end up chasing him into a fence, as well as keeping him straight as he drifts to the left.

So lots to work on and another lesson booked for Friday. Thats the last time I ride before Munstead so I hope it leaves me feeling a bit better about it! I'm just a bit miffed as I didn't ride wonderfully. That's all. I'm highly critical!

I'm hoping it'll be relatively dry tomorrow so I can take Squirrel for a long rambling ride with some good hills and canter work, but can't say I'm feeling too hopeful!

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